Sports grades Duan and Ji
The EWUF Congress voted in 2010 to implement the European Wushu Grading System (EWGS).
The EWGS is based on the CWGS (Chinese Wushu Grading System – 中国武术段位制) developed by the Wushu Research Institute of China with minor exceptions. Among them the EWGS allows European athletes to pass the exams on SANDA (this does not exist in the CWGS).
Technical grades "Duan" and junior degrees "Ji" certify the conformity of wushu practitioner to the set of technical criteria and requirements which aim is to establish the technical level in choosen wushu style or weapon.
Technical grades starting from 1st to 5th duan and junior degrees starting from 5th to 1st ji are awarded based on the results of technical examination.
Junior technical degree "Ji" are awarder consecutively starting from 7 full years to 13 years inclusive. The first (lowest) junior degree is 5th Ji. The highest – 1st Ji.
Technical grades of basic level – «Chu duanwei» are awarded to the practitioners starting from the age of:
1st Duan - 14 years
2rd Duan - 16 years
Technical grades of master level «Zhong duanwei»are awarded to the practitioners starting from the age of:
3d Duan – 18 years
4th Duan – 20 years
5th Duan – 25 years
Honorary grades starting from 6th to 10th duan are awarded on the decision of EWUF EC starting from the age of 25 full years and certify the commitement of a person to wushu promotion on European Continent.