(New edition)
Confirmed meeting of members. Riga, 14 August, 2017.
Name of Society
The name of society – “Latvian Sports wushu federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Society).
Goals of the Society
Goals of the Society – community service activities, which are aimed at:
2.1. promotion and development of sport and active way of living;
2.2. development of WUSHU in Latvia, as a sport;
2.3. create the conditions for regular trainings for all persons who wants to learn and improve WUSHU skills as a sport, as well as skills of traditional Chinese martial arts, attracting professional coaches and providing adequate buildings and equipment;
2.4. ensure the achievement of high sports results;
2.5. organization of competitions, tournaments and festivals, providing professional refereeing on local (Latvia) and international levels;
2.6. participation of member of the Society in the Championships in Latvia, Baltic States, Europe and in the World, in the Olympics, in other competitions on local and international levels with the right to represent Latvia officially;
2.7. active involvement in the Olympic Movement;
2.8. fundraising sponsors, patrons, donations and state funds and local governments to ensure the Society’s activities and goals;
2.9. cooperation with local and overseas clubs and other sports organizations;
2.10. cooperation with Latvian and overseas sports federations;
2.11. spread WUSHU, as philosophy of health, sport and spiritual harmony in Latvia and abroad;
2.12. organizing and conducting training courses for coaches and teachers;
2.13. continuous professional development of staff;
2.14. observance, promotion and interpretation of the principles and philosophy of WUSHU martial art, especially among young people;
2.15. strict implementation of the Anti-Doping convention, its explanation and promotion.
Validity of the Society
Society is based on an indefinite period.
Admission to the Society, exit and exclusion
4.1. In the Society may enter any legal person or a group of legal persons, who are close to the objectives defined by the Society, who are willing to sacrifice their time, ideas and resources for the benefit of the Society. Application form is approved by the Board of the Society.
4.2. Rules for admission of new members:
4.2.1. Candidate member applies for the Board.
4.2.2. The Board shall review the application within two weeks.
4.2.3. If approved, the Board makes a decision to become member of the Society at a general meeting of members. The time and place of the meeting is reported to the applicant.
4.2.4. In case of negative decision, the Board in the previously specified time gives the applicant a motivated refusal.
4.3. The applicant, rejected by the Board, may submit a written complaint for consideration on a general member meeting of the Society. If the general meeting refuse to accept a positive decision, the applicant is not accepted as a member of the Society and has no right to re-apply earlier, than the expiration of the calendar year.
4.4. A member of the Society may at any time withdraw from the Society, informing the Board of the decision in writing.
4.5. A member may be excluded from the Society by the Board in the event that:
4.5.1. member did not pay membership fee for more than 18 (eighteen) months;
4.5.2. member after reminding in writing still do not implement the decisions taken by the Board and the general meeting;
4.5.3. member after written reminder of the Board is not fulfilling its obligations;
4.5.4. member after written reminder by the Board, continues its activities, which is contrary in the Constitution or discredits the Society;
4.6. The question of member exclusion from the Society the Board consider at the next meeting, inviting member to be excluded and giving the opportunity for its defense. The absence of the member which exclude is not a barrier for the taking decision by the Board. The Board shall notify its decision in writing to the member which exclude in 5 days following the decision.
The rights and obligations of members
5.1. The members of the Society has the following rights:
5.1.1. participate in the management of the Society;
5.1.2. receive information about the activities of the Society, including the rights to access to all protocols, decisions and orders of the Board;
5.1.3. participate in all activities organized by the Society, to submit proposals of the Society activities and its improvement, to defend its opinion;
5.1.4. use symbols of the Society and indicate the membership in the Society;
5.2. The members of the Society has the following obligations:
5.2.1. observe the Constitution of the Society and implement decisions and the general meeting and the Board;
5.2.2. pay regularly membership fees;
5.2.3. to cooperate in the Society for its goals achievement;
5.2.4. to inform the Board about changes in the member’s name, officials, legal address, and any changes in contacts (phone numbers, fax, e-mail) in two weeks after changes;
5.2.5. avoid actions that might adversely affect the Society and its reputation.
Society parties
6.1. Sponsor of the Society might be any individuals or legal persons, partners, group of persons, donating funds to the Society or by taking part in working group.
6.2. Sponsor has the right to obtain information about the Society, to participate in all activities organized by the Society, to make proposals on Society activities, to actively cooperate in the Society and to achieve goals of the Society.
Departments of the Society and working groups
7.1. At the general meeting of the Society thematic, territorial and other departments and working groups may be formed
7.2. Activities, rights and responsibilities of the departments and working groups, as well as their partnership with the Society are governed by provisions of departments and working groups, which are determined by the general meeting.
Meeting of members convocation and decision-making
8.1. Members meeting of the Society is the supreme authority.
8.2. At the member meeting may participate all members of the Society through the mediation of authorized representative. Each member has one vote.
8.3. The ordinary general member meeting should meet at least once a year.
8.4. Extraordinary meeting might be convened at the initiative of the Board or, if a written request is sent to the Board from at least one-tenth of the members of the Society, stating the reason.
8.5. Meeting of the members shall be convened by sending written notice to all members of the Society at least 2 weeks before meeting.
8.6. The general meeting has the right to decide if at least half of the members participated in the meeting.
8.7. If the general meeting has no right to decide in the absence of the quorum, a second meeting shall be held in three weeks, which is entitled to a decision regardless of the number of participants in the meeting, providing the in the meeting participated at least two members.
8.8. The general meeting decision is adopted in case at least half of the members present voted for it. The decision about changes in the Constitution of the Society, the continuation and termination the Society shall be deemed adopted if it receives more than to-thirds of the total number of those present.
8.9. If the number of the members exceeds 100 (one hundred), at the next meeting a decision of the formatting of the representative institute is made. Meeting of representatives has the right the member meeting.
Executive Committee
9.1. The executive Committee is the Board, which consists of three Board members, one of whom is the Chairman of the Board.
9.2. Each Board member shall have the right to represent the Society independently
9.3. Chairman of the Board coordinates and manages the activities of the Executive Committee - the Board.
9.4. The Board decides collegially at the Board meeting
9.5. The Board is elected for three years. The new Board starts its duties in 1 (one) month after re-election the previous Board.
9.6. The reward of the Board members establishes the general meeting of the Society.
9.7. The Board member has the right for expenses reimbursement that has arisen in the course of his duties.
10.1. Control over the financial and business activities of the Society makes auditor, who is chosen by the member meeting of the Society by open voting from the candidates provided by the Board, and shall be elected for one year. For the next period auditor is elected by the member meeting of the Society simultaneous with the approval of the annual report.
10.2. The auditor of the Society might not be a member of the Board of the Society.
10.3. Auditor:
10.3.1. audits the material and financial resources of the Society;
10.3.2. provides a conclusion on the budget and annual report of the Society;
10.3.3. evaluate the work of the Society’s accounting and office work;
10.3.4. give recommendations for improving financial and material activities of the Society.
10.4. The auditor audits within terms determined by the member meeting, but not less frequently that once a year. The member meeting confirms annual report with signature only after the auditor opinion.
Membership fees and registration fees
11.1. Becoming a member of the Society it is necessary to make payment in the amount of 50.00 EUR (fifty euro).
11.2. The Society’s annual membership fee is 75.00 EUR (seventy-five euro).